Speech Trending Report

The primary purpose of this report is to determine how many calls (or calls with evaluations) have at least one match to a particular topic, and how it trends in time (weeks, months, quarters, years) as organized by the report’s layout grouping, rows, and columns. The report takes the form of a pivot table, similarly to the Speech Report, and contains the following high-level features and sub-features.

Speech Data

Two types of data display conditions are key to this report:

The report layout can be determined by using the “Group By” selector. The options available in the “Group By” selector are Agent, Evaluator, Group, Labels, Supervisor, and Trainer. Note that the user can also choose not to group by any of these options.

Note: If an evaluator is not included, the row offers overall metrics. If an evaluator is included, however, results given are specific only to interactions that contain evaluations.

Average data which is relevant to any of the records can optionally be shown in the additional columns. Users are provided with the ability to filter calls based on whether they were evaluated or not, which allows users to produce all results or a narrower set of results. Customers can create flexible reporting to discover trends and make meaningful business decisions.

Note: This is not an “improved version” of the Average Score report. The metrics of the Speech Trending report are entirely calculated by the Topics, Overtalk, and Clarity that are recorded when speech is processed.

Report Summary

The Speech Trending report also contains a Report Summary, which can be used for quick insight into Topics and how they are trending.

The Report Summary is a visual representation of the report, and can be customized with top/bottom topics matched. The user can switch between the summary view and the table view by clicking the icons at the top of the page, above the report title.

The Report Summary can be removed by the user by simply disabling the Report Summary toggle. When the Report Summary is enabled and the page is refreshed, the Report Summary is displayed in the view by default.

Report Summary Use Case

Users want to have a quick and efficient view of the Topics that have been matched the most and/or least. The Report Summary offers the customer rich visual content to summarize complex reports.

Speech Trending Core Reporting

Users can refresh the report to pull new or changed data based on their selections. The report allows for printing of the current screen view. Date picker controls allow the user to customize the date range or use predefined date ranges. Access to any filtering details is available as well. Any information can be highlighted by using basic search, and advanced search is also available for a more comprehensive search experience.

Core Reporting Use Cases

Each user has the ability to save custom reports. In addition, a user can:

Speech Trending Metrics

Users now have the ability to report on two different metrics for trending results. They can see the percentage of calls that were matched to a Topic, or not matched.

Metrics Use Cases

Report Groupings

Users now have the ability to create reports on speech data fields and view trends on matches within a certain time range. Topics should always be a selected data field. The fields available are Topics, Agent Topics, and Caller Topics. Trends can be analyzed based on Weeks, Months, Quarters, or Years.

Grouping Use Cases

Note: The examples used have references towards the out-of-the-box Categories and Topics, which every customer that purchases Speech has access to in their environment.

Single-Topic Slide-Out

The single-topic slide-out occurs when one of the individual cells are clicked to reveal the slide-out. This action displays matches for a specific Topic within the selected time frame in the column (for example, Week 35).

Because the result always shows as “Matched” or “Not matched”, the view is quite simple. The following elements display in the slide-out:

Slide-Out Use Cases

When customers need to find the root causes of a number of issues, the slide-out allows for deeper data analysis to identify and solve the root of a problem. Some examples of this are:

Single Topic Slide-Out with Subtotals

The overall subtotal slide-out opens when the overall subtotal cell is clicked for a certain topic. This action displays matches for a specific Topic for each particular time period filtered (for example, a filtered timeframe of 60 days, divided into weeks).

Because the result always shows as “Matched” or “Not matched”, the view is quite simple. The following elements display in the slide-out:

Slide-Out Total Use Cases

Users must be able to sort and filter by different dimensions. Using the multidimensional slide-out, the user can see data sliced individually. Some examples of this are:


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