About faxes
8x8 Work for Mobile enables you to manage faxes you send from the desktop app and receive from your colleagues.

You can view and manage all your faxes under . In addition to viewing sent and received faxes, you can see at a glance if a fax sent from 8x8 Work for Desktop was canceled or failed to reach the intended recipient.

You may not be hearing your 8x8 Work notifications for one of the following reasons:
- If you have set your status to Do Not Disturb, notifications for messages, faxes, and voicemails are visible but muted on your device, and all your calls are sent to voicemail.
- Regardless of your in-app sound settings when you tap the profile image icon in the header to open your Profile screen and go to Settings
> Notifications > (which control only the ringtone on incoming calls), if you disabled notification sounds under Profile > Settings
> Device Settings, you hear no sound upon receiving a notification for a new message, fax, or voicemail.

Once you receive a fax, 8x8 Work keeps it available for review for 60 days. After the fax expires, 8x8 Work still displays a record of when the fax was received, who sent it, and how many pages you received. If you want to keep the fax past its deletion date, you can download or print the fax from 8x8 Work for Desktop before it is deleted.
To download or print a fax from 8x8 Work for Desktop:
- Open your Fax
- From the fax list that opens, hover over the fax to show options for the fax.
- From the options, select either Download
or Print
as needed. If you download, you receive a notification in the corner of your screen once the fax has finished downloading.

You can easily mark some of your faxes as read or unread from your list of faxes.
To mark faxes as read or unread:
- Go to to access your list of faxes.

Want to share an 8x8 Work fax while away from your computer? You can share a fax from 8x8 Work for Mobile without having to switch over to your desktop.
To share faxes:
- Go to to access your list of faxes.
- Tap the desired fax to open the fax details.

Let's say you want to delete faxes to keep your fax list free of clutter. You can easily delete a fax from 8x8 Work for Mobile, erasing it from 8x8 Work for Desktop as well.
To delete faxes:
- Go to to access your list of faxes.