Rate Call Quality

By default, after the end of a call lasting more than 10 seconds, a prompt comes up to rate the quality of the call.
In one tap, you can rate the quality of the call on a scale of one to five stars, or choose to dismiss future prompts. You can easily choose to disable or enable these prompts in Settings as well.

Note: Upon encountering an issue, you can shake your device at any time while in the app to send a debug log to 8x8. At the prompt, tap Submit to send the log.

To disable or enable call quality prompts:

  1. Tap to open the main menu.
  2. From the main menu, select Settings.
  3. To disable call quality prompts, disableclear the Prompt to Rate Calls optioncheck box.
    To enable call quality prompts, enableselect the Prompt to Rate Calls optioncheck box.